Cecil Carr

Cecil Carr


Cecil Carr

May 10, 2015

Date of Service: May 15, 2015

Interment Location: Crown Section


Ce­cil Carr, 76, John­son City, passed away Satur­day, May 9, 2015, in the Sy­c­a­more Shoals Hos­pi­tal.
A na­tive of Carter County, he was a son of the late Even & Mary Grind­staff Carr. Ce­cil was a 1957 grad­u­ate of Eliz­a­beth­ton High School. He served in the United States Army Re­serve. He was an elec­tri­cian for many years. Ce­cil was a mem­ber and for­mer dea­con of East River Park Chris­tian Church.
In ad­di­tion to his par­ents, he was pre­ceded in death by a sis­ter: Luda Carr Heaton.
Sur­vi­vors in­clude his wife of 44 years: Patsy Deloach Carr; His chil­dren: Karen Carr and Kevin Carr; A Brother & Sis­ter-In-law; Jerry & Ann Estep Carr; a sis­ter & brother-in-law: Leona Carr & Clyde “Pete” Led­ford; along with many nieces & neph­ews.
Funeral Ser­vices will be con­ducted at 7 p.m. Thurs­day in Me­mo­rial Funeral Chapel with Mr. John H. Smith and Mr. Dick Cain, Min­is­ters, of­fi­ci­at­ing.
Grave­side Ser­vice and In­ter­ment will be at 12:30 p.m. Fri­day, May 15, 2015, in Happy Val­ley Me­mo­rial Park. Mu­sic will be pro­vided by Mary Smith. Ac­tive Pall­bear­ers, who are re­quested to as­sem­ble at the fu­neral home at 11:50 a.m. Fri­day, will be: Rick Breeden, Keith Carr, Matt Hon­ey­cutt, Kebo Scalf, Todd York and Dil­lard Rich­mond. Honor­ary Pall­bear­ers will be Wil­liam “Bill” Ben­nett, Jerry Mor­rell, John A. Uts­man, Max Chur­chill, Brian Hoil­man Clyde “Pete” Led­ford, David Led­ford, Steve Har­rell, Lee White­head and Elders of East River Park Chris­tian Church.
The fam­ily will re­ceive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Thurs­day in the fu­neral home.
To those who pre­fer, me­mo­ri­als may be made in mem­ory of Mr. Carr to the Roof­ing Fund, East River Park Chris­tian Church, 1207 Broad Street, Eliz­a­beth­ton, Tenn. 37643.
Fam­ily and friends will as­sem­ble at the fu­neral home at 11:50 a.m. Fri­day to go to the cem­e­tery.
Con­do­lences may be sent to the fam­ily at our web­site www.me­mo­ri­alf­celiz­a­beth­ton.com.
Me­mo­rial Funeral Chapel is serv­ing the Carr fam­ily.

Happy Valley Memorial Park