Helen Helena Riddle

Helen Helena Riddle


Helen Helena Riddle 4-20-15Helen Helena Riddle

 April 20, 2015

Date of Service: April 22, 2015

Interment Location:  Garden of Devotion


Helen Helena Rid­dle, 67, Eliz­a­beth­ton, passed away Mon­day April 20, 2015, in the John­son City Med­i­cal Center.
She was a na­tive of Al­berta, Can­ada, and had lived in Eliz­a­beth­ton for the past 17 years. She was a vol­un­teer sec­re­tary for 15 years with the Tri Ci­ties Golden Glove. Helen was a char­ter mem­ber of the Lion Club in Van­cou­ver, Brit­ish Co­lum­bia, where she served at a vol­un­teer Sec­re­tary. She was a mem­ber of the South­side Chris­tian Church.
She loved Chil­dren, fish­ing, crafts, In­te­rior Dec­o­rat­ing and NASCAR.
Sur­vi­vors in­clude her hus­band: Col­bert “Cob” Rid­dle; A Son: Dar­ryl Por­te­ous, Van­cou­ver, Brit­ish, Co­lum­bia; One Daugh­ter: She­lia Por­te­ous Berg, Van­cou­ver, Brit­ish, Co­lum­bia; Six Step-Sons: Alan, Mike, Tim, Wil­lie, Ken­neth and Shane Rid­dle; Two Grand­chil­dren: Kel­sey and Tay­lor Berg; Six Step-Grand­chil­dren: Alexus, Mikey, Jayden, Noah, Jack­son and Ezra; and sev­eral sib­lings in Can­ada.
Funeral Ser­vices will be con­ducted at 8 p.m. Tues­day in Me­mo­rial Funeral Chapel with Mr. Mi­chael Ko­r­uschak, Min­is­ter, of­fi­ci­at­ing.
Grave­side Ser­vice will be con­ducted at 1 p.m. Wed­nes­day, April 22, 2015, in Happy Val­ley Me­mo­rial Park. Ac­tive Pall­bear­ers, who are re­quested to as­sem­ble at the fu­neral home at 12:20 p.m. Wed­nes­day, will be: Scott Vance, Chris Rob­i­nette, Ed Wil­liams, Scott Pot­ter, Shane Davis and Bobby Tan­ner. Honor­ary Pall­bear­ers will be All the Golden Glovers of East Ten­nes­see, Mem­bers of the Van­cou­ver Lions Club, Bruce Cake­bread and all her neigh­bors.
The fam­ily will re­ceive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Tues­day in the fu­neral home. Fam­ily and friends will as­sem­ble at the fu­neral home at 12:20 p.m. Wed­nes­day to go to the cem­e­tery.
Con­do­lences may be sent to the Rid­dle at our web­site www.me­mo­ri­alf­celiz­a­beth­ton.com.
Me­mo­rial Funeral Chapel is serv­ing the Rid­dle fam­ily.

Happy Valley Memorial Park